Tuesday, May 6, 2008

On The Web

Taking it easy on I Speak TV this week. Waiting for the seasons to wind down before delivering final marks on Lost, House, How I Met Your Mother, The Office, and 30 Rock once their finales air. (Though I believe there will be a brief reminder of those fall shows, like Heroes and Pushing Daisies...remember them?)

In the meantime, the new Summer Movie A-Go-Go series begins over at sister-site Future Blues, with a review of Iron Man.

And Threat Quality Press opens its doors this week, where quality writing will be afoot. I'll be posting new essays every Thursday. New short fiction will be available from one of our writers every Friday, too.


Future Blues


Threat Quality


Anonymous said...

Umm... So when you say "sister site" what you really mean is your "myspace blog?" OK.

ISTV Global Stronghold said...

Yup. Yup, it is. (My brother site is a derelict Friendster account. He's a shut-in and doesn't take a lot of visitors.)

Are you next going to point out the possibility that I'm not writing this in a terrifying fortress?

molson said...

I think its apparent that this "anonymous" is a big fan of Two and a Half Men.